Идеята за този дизайн до голяма степен е провокиран от ситуацията, обуславяща 2020, в която се намира целия свят. И по-скоро има за цел да покаже, че човечеството е преживявало и оцелявало в трудни периоди. Добавихме плъхът и гарванът като противоречиви символи, които да направят препратка към това, че не всичко изглежда по начина, по който бива представено.
Голям принт с дизайна отпред и малък принт с логото отзад на кръстта. Налични във всички размери както за мъже, така и за жени.
Цветове: Черно, сахара, бяло
*Всички тишърти са добре опаковани в екологично изработени картонени кутии със стикери.
PREACH IT BRAND is an independent Bulgarian brand established in 2019. The main idea is to connect people who like the alternative way of living, who have an attitude toward art and the quality made clothes. The designs are made from zero - from the white paper till the waterbased ink screenprinted on the textile. So we can say that they are one hundred percent authentic and original. Everything done so far is the result of our constant pursuit of creativity, diversity and aesthetics. We have the courage and the wish to grow much more.
Our main aim is to see your smile while you are preaching with our clothes. So do not forget to preach your style.
All of our designs can be printed on paper which make them a perfect gift for all of your friends, who has an Art in their DNA.
Ventsislav Angeloff
Screen printer
Hello, I am Ventislav Angeloff and I'm the man behind Preach It Brand. An year ago I began to invest my time in screenprinting and I quickly turned this passion in something more than a hobby. I wanted to established something that expresses a part of me and at the same time it is interesting for the others.
I believe in the symbolic meaning of the things and that is why I choose 24th of May (Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature Day) to announce the start of this adventure. From then I am responsible for the making of the designs, which you can see here